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Think kind

Competition guidelines

Conditions of entry

These are the conditions of entry to the Think Kind 2025 Competition. 

  • The competition is open to any currently enrolled school students (years 0 – 13) in the New Zealand education system (including home school).

  • Entry is free and you may submit as many entries as you like.

  • Entries can be made by individuals or teams. 

  • Competition opens on 1st May 2025.

  • Entries must be submitted by 11.59 pm on Sunday, 17th August 2025.

  • How to enter your project?

    • Entries should be submitted through our website or emailed to us on info@vegetarian.org.nz and be in the format of a pdf file, jpeg file or link to your video. If you wish, you can also post your entries to NZ Vegetarian Society, PO Box 26664, Epsom, Auckland 1344.

    • If sending by email, please ensure you include your entry form as an attachment and that it is fully filled out. We cannot accept entries with incomplete entry forms. 

    • Entries must either show what was done, e.g. a video of a speech, or be a copy of the project, e.g. a document with the speech written on it. Entries should include a brief description of the project. Maximum size of pdf and jpeg files is 5Mb. Videos should be uploaded to Vimeo – make sure it’s public so we can view it - and the link submitted in the entry form. (If you need help, email us and we can send you a step-by-step tutorial.)

    • If you are a teacher and have several (15+) entries, email us on info@vegetarian.org.nz for a simplified entry form.

  • What to enter?

    Examples of projects:

    • Action (petition, school fundraiser, start Meatless Mondays at school, hold a stall and sell veg~n food, hold a veg cooking competition, letter writing to companies or newspapers (letter to the Editor) or government/local MP).

    • Literature (poem, essay, short story, debate, speech)

    • Art (poster, video, performance (dance, drama, etc.), mural, sculpture, write and record a song)

  • The topics that may be covered in the entry must include being kind to animals through dietary or lifestyle choices (e.g. not eating animals, not wearing leather/fur, not visiting rodeos/greyhound races, avoiding products that use animal testing). Show us how treating animals kindly helps:

    • Human health (hint: vegetarians live longer, weigh less and are healthier, red and processed meats are carcinogenic, animal foods are high in saturated fat and cholesterol while plants are packed with nutrients). Show us your favourite healthy recipe, your veg~n hero or athlete, etc.

    • Animals (ideas: research how many animals are killed in NZ for food, at what age they are slaughtered versus their natural lifespan, the conditions they are kept in, what is the link between animal agriculture and the threatened population of native animals, find out how animals are used for entertainment – rodeo, bull fighting, horse racing, clothing, scientific experiments and as pets and how we can help these animals).

    • Our planet (think: greenhouses gases, resource use, loss of biodiversity, deforestation, pollution, waterway degradation, ocean unbalance and declining fish populations). Please do not send entries related to plastic.
  • Entries that do not cover topics related to kindness to animals will not be accepted for the competition. If you are not sure your topic qualifies, please check out the FAQ section on our website or email info@vegetarian.org.nz to check.

  • Every person or team who enters a qualifying project will receive an emailed certificate and an emailed voucher for a small prize at the end of the competition. If multiple entries are submitted by one person, they are only entitled to one prize. Please make sure you write your full name and email address.

  • The NZ Vegetarian Society reserves the right to not award a prize in the event the entries received do not meet the criteria for the competition. It reserves the right to substitute all or part of a prize for a prize of equivalent value.

  • The NZ Vegetarian Society will select their favourite 10 entries to be put to public vote for a chance for the school to win the overall prize of $1,000 (or in the case of home-schooled students, their favourite animal charity). The selection criteria are:

    • Audience reached
    • Visual impact
    • Content & conciseness of message
    • Originality, creativity, and innovation
    • Effort
    • Finished quality
    • Age and experience
    • Understanding of the topic
  • The runner-up projects and top 10 entries will be announced on 1st October 2025. The top 10 selected entries will receive gift packs.

  • The People's Choice online public voting will start on World Vegetarian Day, 1st October, and finish at midday 31st October 2025.

  • The People's Choice winner will be announced on World Vegan Day, 1st November 2025.

  • No material that is “objectionable” will be considered. The entries must be suitable for general audiences. Specifically, there must be no harm to animals.

  • It is the responsibility of the entrant to ensure all permissions are obtained e.g. permission to use music in videos, permission to use copyrighted photos.

  • If music is used, please fill out the Music Permission Form and include it with your entry.

  • If actors are used, please fill out the Actor's Permission Form and include it with your entry.

  • By submitting an entry into the competition you give the NZ Vegetarian Society Inc. your permission to use your name, school and the entry for promotional purposes, in whatever way the Society deems fit.