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Think Kind Student Competition

Think about being kind – to animals, our planet, and each other.

Congratulations to year 6 student Harriet Mason from St Albans Primary in Christchurch who was the 2024 People's Choice Award Winner! Check out the winning entry here

The competition is open to all students from year 0 to 13 and it aims to get students thinking about being kind – to animals, our planet, and each other. 

Students can choose any project, such as an essay, a short film, a poster/mural, a scratch coding project, a speech or a dance, a school fundraiser, or a petition, etc., as long as the topic relates to being kind to animals. Check out last year's winner, finalists and runners up for ideas for this year! 

Every student who enters will receive a certificate and a Hell Pizza voucher. The top ten finalists will receive a prize pack. The overall winner will be determined by a people’s choice vote, and will be announced on 1st November, World Vegan Day. The entry that wins the People’s Choice Award will receive $1,000 for their school, kindly donated by Let's Eat

Please make sure you read the full guidelines/conditions of entry. Check out our Resources page for posters, inspiration, lesson plans and more so you can plan for this year's competition.

A big THANK YOU to all our amazing sponsors! 

Let's Eat, Quorn, Hell Pizza, Cookie Time, Goodbye, Angel Food, The Baker's Son, OSM, Solomons Gold, Goodness Me, Clinicians and TranzAlpine Honey.

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We’re thrilled about the great feedback we have got from teachers, parents, and students over the years:

  • “All the kids had great fun creating their entries. They loved how creative they could be. We had lots of great conversations about animals, ethics and sustainability.” – Christine from Sunnyhills School.
  • “It’s been incredible for our school as they really celebrate our students’ success … and overall the culture created during that period was massive and a huge boost to School Spirit when we beat much larger schools … hopefully it’s challenged their perceptions and views they might have previously had.” – Llanyon Joe from Putaruru College.

Some comments from the students:

  • “I learned all about what happens to animals and I know it is real, happening in New Zealand and needs to be fixed. I am now going to keep speaking up for them.” – Hope from St Joseph’s School, Pukekohe.
  • “Our mural is currently being shown on our classroom wall. We would like to think that our fellow classmates now know more about animal cruelty due to the facts displayed on the poster”. – Georgia and Olivia from Hastings Girls High School.

Don’t miss regular competition updates, spot prize announcements, project ideas, inspiration – Follow our Facebook page.

If you have questions, email us at info@vegetarian.org.nz.

A lovely postcard from Evie Trotter and Lilly Hulse from Springbank School.